Fulbright FLTA Interest Survey 2017-18

Dear Colleague,

As you may know, the Fulbright FLTA Program brings early career educators from all over the world to U.S. host institutions for an academic year. During the year, colleges and universities receive assistance in their language programs and offer coursework to these international students. The FLTAs gain a better understanding of U.S. culture and acquire further professional skills. With the FLTAs, host institutions are able to provide additional support to U.S. students and to expand curricula.

To continue with this effort, the Institute of International Education asks your assistance in projecting statistics for potential Fulbright FLTA language requests in AY 2017-2018. Your feedback allows IIE to report back to the program sponsor and overseas partners on the needs of U.S. colleges and universities and helps us in planning for the next academic year.

As a reminder, all host institutions requesting FLTAs must provide a tuition and fees waiver for two courses per semester (or one course per quarter). In the case of some languages, cost-share beyond the tuition and fees waiver is requested. Please carefully read the descriptions included for each question, which clarify requested cost-share before stating interest in language(s). For full cost-share details, you may wish to visit:

FLTA grantees are permitted to take undergraduate as well as graduate courses; however, graduate courses are preferable whenever possible. FLTAs can also take courses on either a credit or audit basis; although many grantees prefer to have the option of credit courses. Teaching assistant duties must provide an opportunity for FLTAs to share their language and culture in person with U.S. students.  For full details on program design, you may wish to visit:

This survey will close on October 10, 2016.

Thank you for your time,
FLTA Program staff
1. IIE is greatly interested in promoting diversity in the program.  Please let us know if your college or university is a Minority Serving Institution.
Please select the languages that your institution is interested in hosting.

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